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Tax Pro Niagara Drop Off Service
For Dropping of Your Documents to Our Secure DropBox
Gather up your Paperwork and place it into one labelled envelope or Ziploc bag - please take paperwork out of original mailing envelopes.
Drop your paperwork off to our Secure Drop Box and your paperwork will be placed in queue. During our busy season please allow 10-14 days for turn-around.
Simply send us an email to request a document drop off and we will respond with details
within 24 hours.​
If you have any of the following, please let us know in your email request!
Rental Income
Small Business Income (includes subcontracting/gig work, any income not reported on a T4)
Employment Expenses (working from home, driving for work, Truck Driver, commissioned employee)
Driving Income (Uber/door dash etc...)
Eligible Moving Expenses
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